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New Jersey blinks in dune repairs standoff, allows emergency erosion fixes in North Wildwood - - state New Jersey - Jersey
New Jersey blinks in dune repairs standoff, allows emergency erosion fixes in North Wildwood
NORTH WILDWOOD, N.J. - New Jersey environmental officials will allow a shore town to carry out emergency repairs to its badly eroded beachfront, even as they continue a years-long fight with city officials over how best to protect the popular Jersey Shore resort's fragile coastline.On Wednesday, the state Department of Environmental Protection told North Wildwood it could reshape three blocks worth of dunes and repair public access points to a condition that they can be safely used in time for the approaching Memorial Day holiday weekend.The move marked a turning point in a long-running dispute between the city and the state over how to ensure that the beach is wide enough for recreation and to ensure that dunes are sturdy enough to protect the city from coastal storms.North Wildwood and its surrounding coastal neighbors have not received the periodic beach replenishment projects that most of the rest of the Jersey Shore has been getting for decades, due in part to the difficulty of getting approval from property owners.As a result, it has experienced serious erosion over the last decade, and says it needs to take immediate emergency steps including shoring up dunes and building another steel sea wall to complement one it already built.The state has repeatedly denied permission for such work, saying it could actually worsen erosion due to the scouring effect of waves carrying sand along hard barriers like sea walls. It says the city should continue to rely on trucking in sand from mainland quarries.
Larry Krasner - Philadelphia DAO releases information on 3 police, public safety officers involved in sex crimes -
Philadelphia DAO releases information on 3 police, public safety officers involved in sex crimes
PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office has announced charges against several police and public safety officers involved in sexual violence cases.In a Wednesday afternoon press conference, DAO officials detailed three cases.Pointing out similarities to the case of former Philadelphia detective Phillip Nordo, who was sentenced to 24.5 to 49 years in prison on rape, stalking and attempted sexual assault charges, District Attorney Larry Krasner called the allegations "very serious." He also urged individuals who may have information to come forward with details.Assistant District Attorney Lyandra Retacco released new information about a case against Howard Rubin, a former resource officer for the Philadelphia School District.Officials say Rubin was arrested in January 2021 and later sentenced to 10 - 20 years on charges relating to the sexual assault of minors.According to authorities, in 2010, Rubin was fired from a Philadelphia high school for inappropriate relations with students. Years later, he was separated from a charter school in the city for fraternizing with students.Rubin, who referred to himself as the "Philly Hip Hop Cop" on social media profiles, was well known at events where children would gather, Retacco said.The DAO's office says he often served as an armed security guard at many of the events and claimed to mentor city youth. Officials are asking anyone with information or who may have been a victim of Rubin's to come forward.